What Are Some Full Mouth Reconstruction Options?

March 21, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — smilerejuvswfl @ 6:57 pm
Lady is pleased with her teeth

Full mouth reconstruction is an intensive program of dental services employed to rebuild or replace many or all of a patient’s teeth. This process can significantly improve how a person’s smile looks and works, which can confer a wide variety of quality-of-life benefits such as bolstered confidence and better nutrition. Here are a few of the treatments a dentist can use to radically restore a patient’s smile.


How Can I Keep My Dental Implants Looking Great?

March 13, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — smilerejuvswfl @ 6:55 pm
Lady smiles

Dental implants are the best way to replace lost teeth because they are incredibly lifelike, strong, and sturdy. Since they are surgically placed in the jawbone where they fuse with the surrounding structure, they are stable enough to provide maximum leverage during the chewing process while preventing bone loss in the jaw. While dental implants boast an incredible success rate of 95%, they can fail under certain circumstances. Here are a few lifestyle changes you can make to help your dental implants stay healthy for life.
